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Welcome to The Progressive Axemen's Association of WA. The Progressive Axemen's Association or PAAWA as it is commonly known is a competitive woodchopping club located in Perth, Western Australia.
The PAAWA has axemen and women who compete in all woodchopping events including Underhand, Standing Block, Tree Felling and Cross Cut Sawing. Our club consists of members ranging from 8 years old to 80 years old and each of our talented axemen and women have different levels of skill; making our club a diverse and family friendly club.
Competing in any sport gives you a sense of pride and belonging, but there is something special about competing in a sport that truly epitomizes the Australian culture. Woodchopping as a sport was established in 1891. But anyone with a grandparent or great grandparent over the age of 60 will be able to tell you stories of how Cross Cut Sawing, Tree felling and wielding an axe was all part of working in an Australian timber mill when they were young.
Woodchopping is a handicapped sport which means new members with no experience can become involved! This sport, OUR sport takes passion and technique. Our veterans can teach you technique if you have the passion and drive to compete.